Welcome to RonBeard.dev

Cover Image for the garden of eden

I was among the few thousands of very fortunate people who were under the leadership of Pastor Leonard Fox and his dynamic wife Rozella Fox, at the purple Muscoy Community Church in Muscoy, California in the mid 70’s. This Spirit-filled couple, and those they shepherded, surrounded us with excellent examples of Christian living, high worship and solid Bible teaching. I don’t think any of us realized at the time that we were part of such a unique and wonderful moment that not only changed us but affected the world.

I developed this website to remember and honor everyone who shared those times, and to reiterate the teachings laid out at San Bernardino Bible College. These doctrines are more important now than ever and a grasp of them will keep you from being “tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine”.

We were taught “Reformed Theology” which is the teaching of St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin and the reformers; Sound doctrine that has stood the test of time. Most churches today have a mix of Arminianism and Dispensationalism, both condemned as heresy by the church in the past but continue to thrive in America somehow.

Arminianism is mainly a doctrine that challenges Calvinism in the areas of election and preservation. It centers around the role of free will.

Dispensationalism shows up mostly in end times teaching and distorts the plain teachings of Jesus and the Bible. For example, much of today’s so-called end times teaching is focused on events in Israel (as the ‘timeclock’ of God), teachings about the rapture, the future 7 year tribulation and the 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth. Since these are the messages flooding Christian tv and media, and we don’t share any of those views, it’s difficult to gain any useful information from these orators.

I am writing to clarify our position on ‘The Victorious Church Eschatology’, try to help you recognize and steer clear of dispensationalism, and encourage everyone to be lifelong learners!

Hebrews 5 says,’ There are many more things we could tell you, but you are ‘dull of hearing’. And at a time that you should be teaching others, you still need milk’. There is no reason anyone needs to be in that category today. There are many great YouTube videos on any subject you type in. Take advantage, go back to school.

1Tim.2:21 talks about purging yourself from iniquity and becoming a “Vessel of honor, sanctified, and fit for the Master’s use”.

For the most part, these teachings are based on my class notes. I have added more recent material to some subjects. Thank you for checking out the site. And a Yuge ‘Thank You’ to my grandson Michael Myers for building this website!