Perseverance or Disappearance
Rapture Origins:
Any honest researcher must admit that a rapture wasn’t widely taught before the 1830’s*. This teaching was popularized by John Nelson Darby. He heard it in the form of a prophecy and realized it solved a problem in his theology. He taught that Israel and the church have separate origins, roles and destinies. (dispensationalism). His problem was how the two could be separated in the future. This prophetic word provided for a ‘catching away’ of the church, which allowed God to return His attention to His “chosen people”. This is a very perverted “gospel” and not anywhere close to New Testament teaching. However, it was accepted in America and advanced by D.L. Moody and other Christian teachers. Dallas Theological Seminary was founded to promote it, and making its way into the notes of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909 cemented its popularity. This is predominately an American doctrine. It is comparatively new, and not a part of Christian history. It is not the result of exegetical study (even the dispensationalists themselves admit that this theory is based on ‘deduction’ and not on sound biblical hermeneutics). In other words, it must be superimposed onto the text.
*Rapturists are continually searching church history for a hint that the rapture theory has been taught all along, however there is no mention of it as church doctrine anywhere in history and no prominent church leader ever taught it.
How did you find the rapture? Was it while you were reading the Bible, or from a teaching that interpreted the text for you?
Is the rapture (a coming separate from the 2nd coming) taught in scripture?
- Jesus doesn’t teach it. “When the Son of man comes in His glory, and all His holy angels with Him, then shall He sit on His throne of glory (Matt.25:31). Nowhere in scripture is there any indication of Jesus saying “when I come to sneak you guys off before the big day”. Every 2nd coming reference in the New Testament agrees; one coming, one resurrection, one judgement.
- In John 6:39, Jesus says He would raise believers “AT THE LAST DAY”. Again, in verses 40, 44 and 54 He re-states The LAST day. Can you raise the saints on the last day, then have more than 2,500 days after the last day?
- The rapture is a resurrection: No one denies the “catching away”, they deny it comes before the 2nd coming. The catching away IS the 2nd coming. 1Thess.4:14-17 reads; God brings the Saints with Him (v.14), Jesus, Himself, descends and the dead in Christ rise first, then the living are caught up to be together forever. All agree that this is a resurrection. Except Paul says, in Acts 24:15, “there is A resurrection both of the just and the unjust”. One resurrection, everyone at once (not two, separated by 7 years).
Where is the rapture?
There is no rapture in 1Thessalonians 4. Biblical Account
- Paul preaches the gospel in Thessalonica; Acts 17:1-10
- Paul sends Timothy back to comfort them and see how they’re doing 1Thess.3:1-5
- Timothy returns with a glowing report 1Thess.3:6 specifically (and the entirety of the first 3 chapters in general), and some questions about the 2nd Coming.
- Paul gives some exhortations in chapter 4:1-12, then in v.13 Paul begins to clear up a misconception about the 2nd Coming. V.13 I don’t want you ignorant (unaware, uninformed) V.14 Since Jesus died and rose again, He will bring those who died with Him. V.15 On the authority of God’s Word, we who are alive at the 2nd Coming will not hinder those who have died. V.16, At the 2nd Coming Jesus will descend with a shout and the trump of God; The dead in Christ will come out of the graves. V.17 And we will follow them up into the sky to meet The Lord in the air and be with Him forevermore. V.18 Don’t worry about this anymore.
How does this text, clear as it is, become the go-to text for a coming before the 2nd coming? How do millions of people read into this text a secret catching away when the text itself talks about a shout, the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God? Jesus, Himself, descends from heaven. Is there any verse in the entire Bible that speaks of Jesus descending from heaven quietly? Every instance is: lightning flashing, Angels in flaming fire, every eye shall see Him, etc.
Another problem is the word Parousia, used here for coming. It means arrival, like coming to your house (not driving by and waving from the street). If Paul meant something like that, there is another word, epiphania. It means appearing (like the stars appearing, then going away again). But Paul uses the word that is used when a dignitary is coming and the people come out of the city to usher him back in.
There is no rapture in 1 Corinthians 15:52 Biblical Account
- Chapter 15 is a power packed treatise on the resurrection. Trying to tie this chapter to a catching away prior to the 2nd coming is an exegetical nightmare!
- Paul begins the chapter with a recap of Christ’s resurrection (verses 1-8). Then, based on Christ’s resurrection, Paul says we will be raised (vs.12-23) AT HIS COMING.
- Verses 24-28 say “Then comes THE END when He shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God”. Verse 25 He must reign until all enemies are under His feet, Verse 26 The LAST enemy is DEATH. Verse 28 says after everything is subdued, the Son will subject Himself back under the authority of the Father.
- So, to recap, Jesus reigns until all enemies are defeated, the last being death, He delivers the Kingdom back to God. No rapture here!
- Paul then goes on to explain our resurrected bodies (vs.35-55). Our bodies are sown in corruption, raised in incorruption. Sown in dishonor, raised in glory. Sown in a natural body, raised in a spiritual body. Verse 52 says “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT THE LAST TRUMP; for the trumpet will sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”. Verse 54-55 “Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory, O death, where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory?” Where is a coming prior to the 2nd coming? This passage talks about the last enemy and the last trumpet and the end of death, the end of time, and delivering up the kingdom as a final act at the end of history. Read the text, definitely no rapture here!
There is no rapture in Matthew 24. Biblical Account
- Mt.24:40-41 Two in the field, one taken, one left. Two at the mill, one taken, one left. Rapturists claim this as an example of what will happen at the rapture. They say the one taken is raptured (good), the one left goes through tribulation (bad). Jesus prefaces this picture with “As it was in the days of Noah”. In Noah’s day the ones taken, were taken into judgement (bad). Those left were Noah and his family (good). This is the OPPOSITE of a rapture verse (and yet, still used by rapture promoters!).
There is no rapture in 2Thessalonians 2. Biblical Account
- Chapter 1 Paul describes the 2nd Coming as “when Jesus takes vengeance on the wicked” and “when He is glorified in His saints”.
- Chapter 2 Paul warns the Thessalonian church, “don’t be troubled”, the 2nd Coming is not yet. Don’t be deceived, that day will not come until there is a “falling away” (apostacy) and the ‘man of sin’ is revealed. V.7 Iniquity is at work now until He that holds back is removed. V.8 Then the wicked one will be revealed, whom the Lord will destroy with the brightness of His coming.
- Rapturists try to make vs.6,7 support their theory. They say the church is holding the man of sin back, and when the church is “taken out of the way” (raptured), then the man of sin is revealed.
- Verses 11-12 refute this and reveal God Himself is in charge of everything, the events and the times. All the power and signs and lying wonders in v.9, and all the deceivableness of unrighteousness (in them that perish) in v.10, are ultimately from God. God sends the strong delusion V.11. The church is not a “HE”. In fact, the church is told to “stand fast” here, (not get ready to go). The church will understand, be sanctified, hold the traditions and overcome, obtaining the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ during this time. Truth is so much more powerful than fiction!
Foolish arguments supporting a rapture
In Revelation 4:1 The Apostle John was “caught up” into heaven.
This represents the church being raptured.
There is nothing to imply a rapture of the church here. This idea has been read into the text. John was “in the spirit” (Rev.1:10) as he wrote down the messages to the seven churches. After that, he saw a door, and a voice invited John “Come up and I will show you things”. John isn’t raptured, his body is still on earth. Seeing a vision and being bodily “caught up” are two different things. John returned soon after to mail the letter to the seven churches.
This is a perfect example of “proof-text theology”. Develop a theory, then find a verse to apply it to. This is the opposite of “mining the text”. Study the words, examine the context, what was the author trying to say? Drawing truth out of the text, not laying your presuppositions over them.
God wouldn’t let his bride get beat up
This is the most disgusting argument imaginable. Given only by the most ignorant, untrustworthy hirelings. Have you read Foxes Book of Martyrs?_ Do you know anything about church history? Do you know anything about current events? Why would you be caught away to safety, while all those who came before you, and all those who come after you suffer? Did your savior suffer and die? Have you read the bible where it says, “All who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution”? And 2Tim.3:12. “If we suffer with Him, we’ll be glorified together”? Rom.8:17. “At that time there was a great persecution against the church” Acts8:1. From the beginning to the last day, represented by the harlot drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. “In the world you will have tribulation” John 16:33. PLEASE never use this argument!
There is no mention of the church between Revelation 4 and 19 therefore, the church has been raptured.
This reasoning is both weak and disingenuous. The word “church” έκκλησία (ecclesia) isn’t used, so the church isn’t there? This is irresponsible and sophomoric. Read these passages, then answer…
- Revelation 5:8 and 8:3. Who are the saints praying?
- Revelation 7:3 Who are the servants of our God that are sealed?
- Revelation 12:11. Who is overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony?
- Revelation 12:17. Who are the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ?
- Revelation 13:7. Who are the saints the beast makes war with?
- Revelation 13:10. Who are the saints with extraordinary faith and patience standing up to the beast?
- Revelation 14:12. Who are the saints that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?
- Revelation 15:2 Who are those who got the victory over the mark of the beast and over his image?
- Revelation 17:6. Who are the martyrs of Jesus?
- Revelation 17:14 Who are the called, chosen and faithful?
- Revelation 18:4. Who are “MY PEOPLE”?
- Revelation 18:23. Who is the bride?
Not the church? Then WHO? As anyone can plainly see, the church is everywhere throughout Revelation 4-19. Still working, still praying, still being persecuted, still overcoming right up to the end of the age.