The Millennium Question

Ron Beard
Cover Image for The Millennium Question

There are three main schools of thought for interpreting the 1,000-year time period in Revelation chapter 20. Two believe the thousand years should be interpreted literally. Their names are based on how they see the 2nd Coming in relation to the 1,000 years. Premillennialist sees the 2nd Coming before (pre) the 1,000 years, and Postmillennialist sees the 2nd Coming after (post) the 1,000 years. The third school is Amillennial which sees the 1,000 years as a figurative number (not literal). The Amillennial school has been the historical position of the church since St. Augustine in the 4th century (because smart people realized what I’m writing here 1700 years ago).

Read through the last four chapters of the Bible. There is a vision of the second coming, followed by a vision of a one-thousand-year period, then another vision of the New Heavens and the New Earth. Chapter 19 clearly shows a vision of our returning King. Chapter 20 mentions this 1,000-year period six times in six successive verses (2-7). The last two chapters (21&22) give us a glimpse of Eternity. These four chapters lead many expositors to place a 1,000-year (literal calendar years) period between the 2nd Coming of Jesus and Eternity. So, are the 1,000 years literal or figurative?

The best place to start our query is the text itself. Revelation 20 divides itself up into 3 parts. Vs.1-3 what happens before the 1,000 years. Vs.4-6 what happens during the 1,000 years, and vs.7-15 what happens after the 1,000 years. It is surprising to note that in the 3 verses between the before and after, there is NO description of any events during this thousand years period, only a description of the saints involved.

Part 1: The dragon (interpreted for you) is bound, in that he cannot deceive the nations.

Part 2: Verse 4 is the description of those living and reigning for 1,000 years with Christ on thrones; Souls of the saints who had been beheaded (killed/martyred). Verse 5 adds “The rest of the dead do not live again until the 1,000 years is finished. Verse 6 further describes those reigning with Christ. They took part in the first resurrection. They are blessed and holy. The second death has no power over them, and they are priests of God and Christ and reign with Him 1,000 years. [See appendix 1]

Part 3 gives the results of the dragon being released to deceive the nations, gathering the people together against the saints and their consequent destruction.

Looking back at part 2, There is no mention of Jesus reigning from Jerusalem here (or anywhere else). There is nothing about a restoration of the legal system, fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, or anything Jewish. Nothing premillennialists claim will happen during the 1,000 years is in the text of Revelation 20. It seems they should be defending themselves here. They’re the new kids. The reformed position is easy to defend, so as we respond to this interpretation, three issues need to be addressed. First, to expose the several problems that arise when trying to harmonize this teaching with the rest of the New Testament. Second, how to correctly understand the chronology of these last four chapters of Revelation. And third, what is the vital message that chapter 20 conveys to believers.

Part 1. The rest of the Bible contradicts Premillennialism.

Several problems arise; here are eight

  1. Jesus never mentioned it. Read every account of Jesus talking about the end of the age, the second coming, or the judgement. There is no hint of a 1,000 year period between His 2nd coming and eternity anywhere. Matt.12:32 Jesus says; “speaking against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this world or the world to come”. In Luke 20:34,35 Jesus talks about the children of “this world and that world”. Paul states in Ephesians 1:21, “Jesus is above all rule and authority…not only in this age but the age to come”. No one mentions an intermediate state because there isn’t one.
  2. No people left. At the 2nd Coming, Jesus sits on His throne and judges the earth (Matt.25:31-46). All nations present (v.32). The sheep inherit the kingdom (v.34), and the goats are sent to eternal fire (v.41). Verse 46 sums it up. “And these (goats) shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal”. So, if all people are sent to their respective rewards, where do the people in a millennial kingdom come from? 1Thessalonians 5:3 states “sudden destruction comes on the wicked ...and they shall not escape”.
  3. No earth. At the 2nd Coming the heavens and the earth are burned up. According to 2Peter 3:10-12 The Heavens pass away with great noise. The elements melt with fervent heat. The earth and everything on it is burned up. Many commentators assume the so-called millennium is on earth with Jesus Christ literally reigning on a physical throne from Jerusalem (although no bible verses state that). There are some real problems here. How do you reign from a non-existent city? since there is no earth and there is no heavens, there is obviously no Jerusalem. There is no place to hold a millennium.
  4. God vs. humans. Read Revelation 20:7-9. Even if there were people and an earth, the idea that Jesus Christ (Almighty God) reigning with his Saints (in immortal incorruptible bodies) on earth could be overthrown by the devil rallying the humans… Really? How foolish and insulting. Jesus Christ in the frailness of his humanity beat the devil every time they crossed paths during His earthly ministry. Is someone saying the Creator of the universe needs help in His Glorified Body? Against humans? The Alpha & Omega can’t govern a small planet?
  5. The last enemy. In 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 Paul writes “Then comes the end”. At the 2nd Coming, Jesus puts down all rule and authority and power. Verse 26 says death is the LAST enemy destroyed. Then Jesus delivers up the Kingdom to God. How can Paul’s words be true if there is a millennium after the 2nd Coming? The scripture says that Jesus Christ puts down all rule, authority and power. Premillennialism says the devil picks it back up? Is it the End or not? Is Death destroyed or not? How can there be enemies after the LAST enemy?
  6. The last trump. In 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Paul says at the last trump the dead are raised. Corruption puts on incorruption and mortality puts on immortality. Death is swallowed up in victory at the last trump. But wait…humans will chase us all into a “camp of the saints” a thousand years later? So, no permanent victory and death revived? The last trump isn’t the last trump? In Rev.20:9 The implication is that if God didn’t send fire from heaven we would somehow be doomed. Both can’t be true.
  7. When is the end? In Matt.10:22, Jesus said “He that endures till THE END shall be saved”. In the parable of the tares (Matt.13), Jesus explained “the field is the world…and the harvest is THE END of the world (13:40). The angels sever the wicked from the just at THE END of the world. Heb.3:6 says we are Christ’s if we hold fast unto THE END. Jesus said “I am with you always, even unto THE END of the age. So, is THE END, the end? Or is there a thousand years after what everyone else, including Jesus Christ says is the end? How much can change after the end? I’ve heard from saints that have barely made it through 50 years of temptation and hardship. Their question is “Do we really have to go through a thousand more years before we get to heaven?”
  8. We are immortal. At the 2nd Coming, mortality puts on immortality (1Cor.15:53). We become like Christ and have eternal life. So, what difference would 10 years, 100 years, a thousand years or a million years make? WE ARE IMMORTAL. It is impossible to put risen saints into any “time frame” as we are outside time.

It is clear then that a 1,000-year period between the 2nd Coming and Eternity is inconsistent with the plain teaching of the New Testament. People can believe whatever they want, but it’s better to be able to support their beliefs with facts.

Part 2: How is this time period correctly interpreted?

Some background will be helpful at this point.

First, The Revelation is Apocalyptic Literature: This is a genre of literature popular at the time which uses signs and symbols (figurative language) to depict what the author is trying to convey.

A look at the first 3 verses of chapter 20 is a good example. There is a key to the bottomless pit. There is a chain to bind the dragon. The pit is to be sealed with a seal for a 1,000 years. Most Bible teachers agree completely that the key, the chain, the bottomless pit, the dragon (interpreted for you) and the seal are not literal, but will condemn you to the pit if you suggest that the 1,000 years could be figurative as well! In reality, the ‘1,000 years’ is no more literal than any of the other symbols in this vision.

Second, The Revelation is not chronological: It is divided into sections. Each section runs through all or some part of the church age emphasizing important truths. The “divisions” vary among expositors, but many interpreters believe that chapter 12:1-6 depicts the events surrounding the birth of Christ. Looking at the end of chapter 11, we see the 7th trump. (2nd Coming imagery). Using that as a guide (looking for beginnings and ends), Chapter 6 opens with Christ (or the gospel) going forth and ends with the “Great day of His wrath has come”. The question “Who is able to stand?” is answered in chapter 7. Chapter 8 begins a new section with the end of the age depicted as the 7th trump (the last trump 1Cor15:52) in chapter 11. Start from the beginning again in chapter 12 and ends with devils gathering the world to a battle called Armageddon in chapter 16. Ch.17 begins another view and ends in chapter 19 with the 2nd coming. Start over in chapter 20 with an overview of the church age then a look at Eternity.

Look how it fits. Comparing Revelation chapter 20 to the church age.

Description Revelation 20 Church Age
Devil bound Vs. 1-3 Matt. 12:29
Saints reign Vs. 4-6 Rom. 5:17
Devil loosed V. 7 1 Thess. 2:7
People gathered to battle V. 8 Rev. 16:14
Angels descend with flaming fire V. 9 2 Thess. 1:7,9
Devil and followers destroyed V. 10 2 Thess. 1:10
Throne Judgement Vs. 11-15 Matt. 25:31-46

The question is, do all these things happen twice, in the same order, or is chapter 20 an overview of the church age?

[See appendix 2 below for more information]

Part 3: Main point of the text

The purpose of the binding: The devil wasn’t allowed to “deceive the nations” during the church age. During the church age some nations were deceived and some nations were oppressed but the Gospel message was free to invade the earth and the gates of hell could not resist it. Mutiple millions of people have been changed by the Gospel message in every country over the last two thousand years. However, during the “little season” just before the end, the devil is released and immediately goes out to deceive the nations (vs7,8). The deception is supernatural, and all the nations fall under the same deception (a battle against the church). Many other New Testament passages confirm this (Revelation 16:14 & 19:19 both allude to this time). The witnesses finish their testimony In verse 7 and the beast, just released from the pit, makes war with the saints. If you think this is going to happen a thousand years from now, you should look around. It’s happening right now.

This is a strong supernatural delusion where people call good evil and evil good (Isa.5:20). This parallels 2Thessalonians 2. Here we see that before Jesus returns, there will be an “apostacy”, a falling away (v.3). The lawless one will be revealed (v.8) and the “strong delusion” sent by God (v.11) upon those who rejected the love of God will be the new normal. Jesus said it this way in Matt.24:24. False christs and false prophets will show such great signs and wonders that, If possible, they would deceive even the elect. Let’s be clear, A supernatural deception is coming. It’s worse than anything that’s ever been. It’s worse than you can imagine. This deception separates the sheep from the goats, the 5 oil virgins from the 5 non-oil ones. The “falling away” is the ‘went to church but never experienced the Love of God’ people (no relationship). Jesus says “I never knew you” (Matt.7:23). You’ll recognize them as they parrot ungodly lies. The Bible is the most powerful weapon in the universe. It’s time to trust it. Rev.18:4 says “Come out from her (Babylon) my people so you don’t partake of her sins and receive the plagues”. So you don’t fall for the deception (a warning to lukewarm Christians). It’s time to pick a side.

Another important point of chapter 20 is to reassure Christians (of all ages) that even if they are beheaded (or killed in any other way) because of their Faith, they would be translated immediately to reign alongside Jesus Christ our Lord for the duration of the church age.

This should be a wake-up call to believers. Be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might; Eph6:10. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God in order to bring every thought into obedience to Christ 2Cor.10:4,5. Amen!


You might be among the “workman” that study to show themselves approved, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, to see if Amillennialism will integrate into your theology. Or… you might be the person who just realized that one of those people who will be chased into the “camp of the saints” is you. The “little season” Rev.20:3, is upon us as we are experiencing for the first time in history a global delusion. The Revelation actually says a lot about it. It’s called “deceiving the nations” in 20:8 and all the nations gather for this “battle”. Another picture of this is in 16:12-16 where the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet influence the kings of the earth and the “whole world” to gather them to the battle of Armageddon (that great day of God Almighty). In a short time, this unprecedented rebellion against logic and reason will begin tozero in on Christianity. Much like the Germans blamed the Jews for all the woes of Germany, Christian doctrine will be considered the only reason the world doesn’t have peace. Like baal worship of old, all gods will be welcome to the party except the Judeo-Christian God. Like Ashtoreth worship, your feelings and all your (foolish) ideas will be considered “god-breathed”, and like moloch worship, your children will be placed on the sacrificial altar. Anyone with their head not buried in the sand can plainly see these things already taking place, It’s just a short matter of time until the true intentions of those fully deluded “kings of the earth” are revealed and the focus of hatred and fury are directed at Christians (again, all ready underway).

Appendix 1

Rev.20:4 “And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded

Can anyone see Jesus reigning from Jerusalem with headless ghosts? These thrones and this reigning happen in heaven; Not on earth! The only time the saints are in soul form is between their death and the 2nd coming. Rev.6:9-10 talks about the souls of them that were slain awaiting the day of judgement.

Appendix 2

‘Ton Polemon’

In Greek, ‘τον πόλεμον’ (ton polemon) means ‘The Battle’. It is mentioned 3 times in Revelation; 16:14, 19:19 and 20:8.

Ch.16 This battle involves the Euphrates being supernaturally dried up, 3 unclean spirits going out, deceiving the nations and gathering them to “The Battle”, the battle of Armageddon.

Ch.19 describes the heavens opening and Jesus and His armies coming down. Out of Jesus mouth goes a sharp sword to strike the nations with wrath. The beast and the kings of the earth gather together to “make war” literally “The Battle” (ton polemon) against Jesus. The beast and false prophet are cast into the lake of fire.

Ch.20 says after the dragon is released, he goes out to gather the nations together to “The Battle” and fire comes down and devours them.

What are the chances that 3 times toward the end of the church age, evil supernatural forces gather the whole world together to battle against the saints and suffer overwhelming defeat; And each one is called “THE Battle”?

More likely, there is one “The Battle”, and all 3 references are to the same event.