New Heavens & New Earth

Will there be an actual New Heavens and New Earth?
A quick scan through a concordance will tell you there are three mentions of a “New Heavens and a New Earth” in the bible. Your first thought would be, they’re probably talking about the same thing, and the same time.
We begin with Isaiah’s description. In chapter 65:17-25, we see in the new heavens and new earth the old will be forgotten, there will be peace and rejoicing, no more weeping, one who dies at 100 will still be considered a child, sinners are cursed, people will live as long as trees and enjoy the work of their hands building houses and planting crops. God will answer prayers while they’re being prayed, the wolf and lamb will feed together, and lions will eat straw. The serpent’s meat is dust, and nothing will hurt God’s holy mountain. There is a very similar vision in Isaiah 11. Much of the same imagery without mentioning heaven or earth but mentioning instead, a stem and a root of Jesse (verse 1 & 10).
Isaiah’s other mention in chapter 66:22 states “As the new heavens and new earth remain before me, so shall your seed and your name”. [NOTE: The word “seed” here is in the 2nd person masculine plural]
2Peter 3:10-13 Give the second mention. V.10 The “Day of the Lord” comes in which the heavens pass away with great noise and the elements melt with fervent heat, and the earth is burned up. V.11 seeing how all things will be dissolved how should you act? V.12 as we look for the coming of the Day of God where the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved and the elements melt with fervent heat. V.13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness.
The final mention is in Revelation 21:1-4. John sees a new heaven and new earth because the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. John saw the holy city coming down from God out of heaven and a great voice saying, “The tabernacle of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people”. There will be no more tears, no death, sorrow or pain. After a detailed description of the city, John says (v.27) “There shall in no way enter anything that defiles, works abomination or lies, but only those whose names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life”. Chapter 22 continues with imagery reminiscent of the Genesis Garden with the River of Life and the Tree of Life, with no need for the sun because God gives them light, and they reign forever and ever.
Isaiah’s description of people still dying, planting crops and living in houses they built doesn’t seem analogous to Revelation’s vision of eternal things. It needs to be taken into account that these are both prophetic visions and generally not to be interpreted literally, but still, the sense of each is very different. which leads to another question. Is there an actual new heavens and earth coming, or is this just prophetic language? Many postulate that this earth (and heavens) will just be renewed or “renovated”. Fortunately, Peter’s account is not couched in prophetic or apocalyptic language, it is historical narrative. And in it, Peter explains why we will need a new heavens and earth. In chapter 3:5-7, Peter reminds his readers that the heavens and earth which are present, are “reserved for fire against the day of judgement and perdition of ungodly men”.
There are other New Testament accounts of the “Day of the Lord” or the 2nd coming of Jesus that hint at similar results. We can be assured that even if Isaiah and John are describing different events, Peter has the clear answer we’re looking for.
Jesus’ words on the subject are recorded in all three synoptic gospels “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away” (Mt.24:35, Mk.13:31, Lk.21:33). Another reference to this is Matt.5:18. Until the heaven and earth pass away, the law remains until all is fulfilled”.
The writer of Hebrews states “Thou Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thy hands. They shall perish, but You remain.
To get a better understanding of a “new heavens and a new earth”, Let’s look at our present heavens and earth. In the first sentence of the Bible, we read; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This tells us that only “The Spirit Family” existed prior to creation. The triune Godhead, Elohim, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, predetermined they would create this dimension of time and space, create a “human race” in the “image of God” and then from that race, chose a “bride” for the Son. This is the whole purpose of this heavens and earth.
What “goes over” into eternity?
- Elohim (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
- The Son’s holy bride (the church)
- The holy angels
- The Word of God (scriptures Matt.24:35)
- Our works (Rev.14:13).
In Revelation 21 we see the new heavens and earth, AFTER the first heavens and earth had passed away. After that, we see the holy city, the bride and God the Father, committed to dwell with them. Then ch.22 begins with the waters of life, the Holy Spirit, and the tree of Life, Jesus. These are the important pieces.
Allow me a bit of speculation…My thoughts on the subject
Can you see us all riding off into the sunset? (except there’s no sun) The Father, who designed the universe and salvation’s plan, lovingly admiring His glorious Son, now together for all time with His victorious bride, wrapped in the power of the Holy Spirit, accompanied by myriads of holy angels…
From spirit back to spirit. From essence back to essence. No time, no space, no substance. Holy triune God, Holy multitude of bride essences, Holy multitude of angels’ essences, The bible, (the marriage covenant? a history of the bride?), And our works, (in the form of blessings as an eternal memorial?) Then what? Off to a new dimension perhaps?
Who will we be?
When the bride takes her husband’s name, she becomes part of the family. We become part of The God Family.
Since God adopted us, in the new heavens and earth, does our essence become part of God’s family essence?
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High. John 10:34-35 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said Ye are gods? If He called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and scripture cannot be broken…
1Corinthians 15:54 states: “Corruption puts on incorruption and mortality puts on immortality and death is swallowed up in victory”.
What does it mean to be immortal? Athanasia; imperishable, free from death. From “a” (without) and “thanatos” (death). Having eternal life. Victory over death, and eternal existence in Christ.
What does it mean to be incorruptible? Aphtharsia; indestructible, From “a” (not) and “phtharthos” (perishable). imperishable, free from decay, corruption and death, unable to experience deterioration.
What does it mean that we judge the angels? 1Cor.6:3 Know ye not that we will judge angels?
Deep thoughts make me realize there is so much more to being a part of the bride of Christ than things in this life. A feeling like John the Baptist that “He must increase, and I must decrease” ensues. Because (1Corinthians 2:9) Eye hasn’t seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into our hearts, the things God has prepared for us!
Just a final note here:
This is the reason I don’t believe in extraterrestrials (created beings from other planets or galaxies), flying saucers from outer space or life on other planets in general. The universe was created to show us how incomprehensible, how artistic, and how powerful God is (among other things). At the 2nd coming, ALL of it dissolves. Meaning hopefully, there weren’t tons of other living beings and civilizations that get dissolved because Jesus returned to a very small planet in a galaxy far, far away.